Monday, 31 August 2009

Cheesy Money!

Heard about the bank that accepts cheese and in return gives you cash? Well it's true and a bank in Italy has specialised in this barter-like system. Parmesan producers have been able to use their goods as collateral upon loans in order to improve their cashflow positions.

Government 'Fuels' Further Price Rises

With the UK Government due to increase tax on fuel as from midnight, what is the likely impact of this decision upon business? Fuel always provides plenty of talking points about the impact that Government can have as an external influence upon business.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Rebranding the Humble Pear

How a rebranding exercise across the entire pear industry generated a huge growth in demand for so-called 'pear cider' but how many of us actually knew that it should rightfully be called 'perry'? This BBC video clip examines how the marketing men have turned the humble pear into one of the 'must-have' drinks of the English summer.

Recession: Threat or Opportunity?

Is the recession really the most sensible time of the economic cycle to be starting a new business? Well this article outlines some of the issues involved and also draws attention to a new Radio 4 programme aimed towards the small business enterprise.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Video Killed the Newspaper Advert?

As advertisers seek ever more extreme and expensive methods of attracting the attention of potential and exisiting customers, the launch of a new video based advert contained within the actual pages of a newspaper indicates a new phase of advertising media. Consider the practicalities of this 'new' technology and whether in reality it will have the desired effect of attracting more customers to purchase goods and services.

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Premier League 'Rip-off' ?

With the recent recession not seemingly making much (if any) impression upon the mega-rich footballing fraternity, can a new website established by Middlesborough's Andrew Taylor aimed at stopping professional players from being 'ripped off' really become a success? Consider the niche that this service is being aimed at. Is this a large enough market to enable the business to be viable?

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Cutting Costs

One of the leading problems for any business is the control of their cash flow. This business studies video provides some useful tips about how to keep spending and costs under control during a period of economic downturn.

Business News Video Round-Up

Want to know what is happening in the business world today? Well you could do worse than take a look at the 2 minute video round-up by The Telegraph. Excellent overview of global business news.

Green or Bust?

An interesting look at Panasonic's efforts to develop new environmentally friendly products. However, is the company truely dedicated to protecting the environment or does it simply see this as a means of improving their profits?