Monday, 27 July 2009

Doing Business in India

A UK Government publication aimed at promoting the right and wrong way to go about conducting business in India. Some interesting facts and it certainly again highlights major cultural differences between our nations which any business would need to be aware of.

Chinese Business Quiz

How much do you know about the right and wrong way to conduct business in China? Take this ten question quiz and learn how the Chinese method of business is culturally very different from here in the United Kingdom.

New Technology

Read this interesting article and watch the associated video from the BBC about the replacement for the humble barcode. Consider how this new technology could widen the applications of the item that we have all come to take for granted upon the sides of our purchases.

Thursday, 23 July 2009

BUSS4 Materials

New resources and materials are already being added to the teaching business website for the BUSS4 exam. These include video clips and economic data about the Chinese, Indian and Russian economies. They can be found upon the A Level section of the new website.

The UK Banks and Small Business

Another excellent video from the BBC's Panorama series. This time the focus is upon the impact that the Government and the UK's banks are having upon small business. Are they releasing the credit as they should be at a time when it is so desperately required?

Richard Branson's Views About the Recession

Branson shares his views with Robert Peston of the BBC about why he believes the recession will prove to be a positive thing for Britain's budding entrepreneurs.

Teaching Business Studies Website is currently being updated. I hope to start adding additional material across the next few weeks as I adopt the site and materials to the demands of the new AS and A2 Level courses for Business Studies.